The Need for Expansion
The citizenship application rate has increased 336% over the last 2 years, putting crushing pressure on the IAC’s citizenship support services. With the lack of action by Congress for immigration reform in addition to protections for immigrants being eliminated, these growth trends show every sign of continuing.
Increase in applications for citizenship over the last 2 years
The IAC prepares legal permanent residents in the greater New Bedford region to become naturalized, economically contributing U.S. citizens. The IAC encourages everyone who is eligible to pursue U.S. citizenship, as it is their only permanent protection. Citizenship provides the key to participation in the community and local economy, as well as the chance to secure employment and develop self-sufficiency.
The citizenship process is lengthy, complicated, and expensive. Through classroom instruction and individual tutoring, the IAC enables clients to:
- Learn English
- Learn how to use a computer
- Pass a complicated US civics test
- Handle a one-on-one personal interview
- Correctly complete the application
- Pay for or apply for a waiver for a hefty application fee
- Register to vote
When English language and computer skills are achieved, students will be able to access many online tools at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS.gov) to:
- Study for and take practice citizenship tests
- Practice the citizenship interview and oath
- Check case processing times
- Access resources in 25 languages
- Apply for citizenship online
- Use E-verify to self-check employment status
- Help friends and family members access self-service tools including obtaining employment authorization documents, renewing or replacing green cards, filing petitions for family members, obtaining asylum status, and other tools
The high percentage of students who pass the citizenship test
is our strongest measurement of impact.
Sign Up for a Class
Get started on your path. Take a class at the IAC today.

Zeiterion Hosts Film, Atlantis; Proceed Benefit the IAC
The Z and Cinema New Bedford present Ukraine’s official selection for the 2021 Academy Awards, Atlantis, to benefit The Immigrants’ Assistance Center in New Bedford.

Edward Macedo Remembered for Dedication and Service to the IAC
Thank you Mr. Edward Macedo for your unwavering dedication and service to the success of the Immigrants’ Assistance Center.
Help Us Make a Difference
Help a young person get the resources they need for a bright future.
Our Case Managers
Our case managers are multi-lingual, speaking six languages, and multicultural, able to fully understand the subtleties of culturally-based dreams and fears.