Case Managers provide a broad range of direct and in-direct services in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Cape Verdean Creole and Wolof to over 12,000 immigrants and non-English speaking individuals in the Greater New Bedford region. The Immigrants’ Assistance Center advises clients of their rights under current law, and guides them toward access to food, clothing, housing and health care.
The IAC has long-standing relationships with myriad community service organizations that are brought to bear on behalf of IAC clients, depending upon their unique needs and circumstances. Case Managers meet with clients, identify their needs, and direct them where to go if they need to:
Learn the English Language
Get a Job
Find a place to live
Apply for health care
Get medical treatment
Apply for Citizenship
Resolve a legal matter
Go to school or enroll their child in school
Apply for food or housing benefits for their U.S. born child
Secure protection against domestic violence
Find out information about a family member who has been or is being deported
Translate a document and/or interpret a conversation or meeting
Understand current immigration law and policy changes
Apply for legal status such as asylum, specialized visa or green card

Pandemic, RMV Regulations Force 24 year-old Mini-Bus Business to Close
By Kiernan Dunlop, Standard-Times
NEW BEDFORD — At the beginning of March, business was so good for Anna Rodriques that she and her husband considered buying a new house. Now Rodriques doesn’t know how she’s going to pay her bills and finds herself going to food pantries to help make ends meet.

Newly Naturalized Citizens Vote in New Bedford Despite Confusion from Federal Agency
By Kiernan Dunlop, Standard-Times
NEW BEDFORD — Not even confusion over the location of his polling place could dampen Adilson Cabral’s excitement on Tuesday.
Cabral, who came to the United States over 18 years ago from Cabo Verde, was voting in his first U.S. election after becoming a naturalized citizen in September.
Our Case Managers
Our case managers are multi-lingual, speaking six languages, and multicultural, able to fully understand the subtleties of culturally-based dreams and fears.