Instructions in English
Instruções em portugues
Instrucciones en español
Please read all of the instructions before proceeding.
This is the procedure of taking English courses at the IAC.
Students must first take a placement test in order to be in the course appropriate to their level and language fluency. It is important that the student NOT USE any translation services or assistance, so that the placement will be successful.
Once the applicant has completed the placement test, [insert procedure here]
Information about the course and course expectations can be found here [link to classes page?].
If you have questions or need assitance in how to complete the form, please contact us at:
Click the button to begin taking the placement test.
You will be directed to a new website (it will open a new tab in your web browser). Take the test and be sure to submit when finished. Do not leave the page until you have submitted the form.
When you are finished, you may return to this page for [insert other procedure here?]
Great Job! You will be contacted with your Course Information.
[Insert procedure here]
If you have questions or need assitance in how to complete the form, please contact us at:
Instrucciones en portugués
Please read all of the instructions before proceeding.
This is the procedure of taking English courses at the IAC.
Students must first take a placement test in order to be in the course appropriate to their level and language fluency. It is important that the student NOT USE any translation services or assistance, so that the placement will be successful.
Once the applicant has completed the placement test, [insert procedure here]
Information about the course and course expectations can be found here [link to classes page?].
If you have questions or need assitance in how to complete the form, please contact us at:
Click the button to begin taking the placement test.
You will be directed to a new website (it will open a new tab in your web browser). Take the test and be sure to submit when finished. Do not leave the page until you have submitted the form.
When you are finished, you may return to this page for [insert other procedure here?]
Great Job! You will be contacted with your Course Information.
[Insert procedure here]
If you have questions or need assitance in how to complete the form, please contact us at:
Lea todas las instrucciones antes de continuar.
Este es el procedimiento para realizar cursos de inglés en el IAC.
Los estudiantes primero deben tomar una prueba de nivel para estar en el curso apropiado a su nivel y fluidez en el idioma. Es importante que el estudiante NO USE ningún servicio de traducción o asistencia, para que la colocación sea exitosa.
Una vez que el solicitante haya completado la prueba de nivel, [inserte el procedimiento aquí]
Puede encontrar información sobre el curso y las expectativas del curso aquí [¿enlace a la página de clases?].
Si tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda sobre cómo completar el formulario, comuníquese con nosotros a:
Click the button to begin taking the placement test.
You will be directed to a new website (it will open a new tab in your web browser). Take the test and be sure to submit when finished. Do not leave the page until you have submitted the form.
When you are finished, you may return to this page for [insert other procedure here?]
Great Job! You will be contacted with your Course Information.
[Insert procedure here]
If you have questions or need assitance in how to complete the form, please contact us at:

Click here to open the PDF
Click here to open the PDF. here ‘s more ta tel asdkf;asd fopaioadf;asdf;kasfd ;askjdf aksf ;skfjalsk f